FACTT – Festival Art & Science @Berlin

The Arte Institute, in partnership with Cultivamos Cultura, has the pleasure to announce FACTT – Festival of Art & Science Trans-disciplinary and Trans-national in Berlin. The Festival took place in Lisbon, New York, Mexico and will continue in Berlin.


Exhibition | November 29, 7.30 PM
7 Mares
Heimstr. 3
Group Show FACTT 2017: Opening

Ken Rinaldo
Pedro Miguel Cruz
Marta de Menezes
Joana Ricou
Sarah Hermanutz

Talk | November 30, 6 PM
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Romanistik
Humboldt Universität
Dorotheenstr. 65
4 Floor, Room 4.34

Presentations by:
Marta de Menezes
Dalila Honorato
Sarah Hermanutz
Isabel Bur-Raty
Regine Rapp
Christian de Lutz

More info:
